Cool Clear Water

Cue the theme music!

As you’ll know if you’ve read my blog posts, I love the desert, never get tired of it. I love to lie in the sun, hate being cold, and there are so many great places to hike and explore down here. But, there is normally one thing missing from this near-paradise—water. And when there is water, it’s in a swimming pool—aka, no dogs.

At home on the prairie, my favourite place to go for walks is along the irrigation canal. Get a little too warm, go in for a dip. I’ll let the current carry me along until I’m feeling refreshed before I go back on shore to continue the walk. On the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains where we regularly go camping with the horses, nearly every trail has a creek or river running through it.

Home along the canal

Desert, by its nature, is dry. I get that. So I have little expectation of cool streams and mountain waterfalls when we’re south for the winter. I enjoy the desert for its own unique awesomeness. But, when you add water to a desert environment, man, is it paradise.

Wetting our toes at Lake Havasu.

While we were camped at Craggy Wash, we got our first taste of water at nearby Lake Havasu. We had a terrific walk at a cove near the north end of the lake that included a swim and a drink at the beginning and end of the walk. I was happy.

Top of the Lake Havasu hike.

When we moved camp to Lake Havasu State Park for the bluegrass festival and I found out we were going to be a short walk from the water, I was ecstatic. Granted, we spent some time in the trailer those three days since we weren’t permitted in the concert area, but we also had three walks a day that included a swimming option on almost every outing. I wasn’t sure about the waves on the windy day, but wading in up to my belly was such a treat at the end of a walk along the shore trail.

Our swimming hole was back near the boat launch

And that wasn’t the only treat at Lake Havasu State Park. People! … and lots of them, including T and Nollind’s friends from home, Chris and Sheila. They parked their trailer right next to us, making a cozy island in a sea of motorhomes and trailers. In the evenings it was perfect for visiting around the fire and making music. I’m always happy to share our camp with friends, especially friends who like dogs and are willing to include us in the festivities.

Taking an afternoon break from the festival stage
Chris & Sheila before they headed out on Sunday morning.

I was sad to leave on Monday. I was going to miss the people and the water. Or, not so much as it turned out. We left Lake Havasu but gained Lake Mohave. Here at Telephone Cove, Sid is parked right on the water and the cool breeze blows off the lake all through the hot part of the day. And we’ve made new friends who are camped on each side of us; some fellow Canadians, some Californians, and even a dog named Trixie.

Telephone Cove – our camp is hidden by the tall clump of trees halfway down the beach. 

It’s a little piece of doggie paradise I’d have to say (Logan won’t even come inside!), and T & Nollind seem pretty taken with it too. We were supposed to be leaving today, that was the plan, but I don’t see any signs of packing. Looks like I’ve got a few more swims in my future.

Evening walk at Telephone Cove.

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